Letter of Recommendation - Professional

                               John D. Shaw Elementary School             
Karl Schleich                             3750 East Paradise Lane           Shelley Eisenhower
  Principal                                   Wasilla, Alaska  99687          Administrative Secretary
                                  Phone: (907) 352-0500/Fax: (907) 352-0580

Thursday, June 17, 2010

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter on behalf of Jefferson Davis, an intensive resource teacher at John D. Shaw Elementary School in Wasilla, Alaska.  My name is Karl Schleich and I am the principal at Shaw Elementary School.  I have known Mr. Davis since 2008 when he was hired to teach at Shaw.  I also served as Jefferson’s principal mentor this past school year while he did his administrative internship as part of a Master’s degree program through the University of Alaska Southeast. Jefferson’s professional goals are consistent with his application for an assistant principal position at the middle level. He is ready and eager to take on this challenge.

Jefferson demonstrates many qualities that will serve him well as a principal.  He is calm and even-keeled, even in stressful situations.  I saw this both in his role as a teacher and in the role of principal intern.  When confronted with challenging behaviors on the part of his students (ED and Intensive Needs students) he remains calm, problem solves and works closely with parents to improve the situation.  He does this while maintaining each child’s dignity. With colleagues, I observed Jefferson facilitate the creation of an improved schedule for our school set to be implemented this school year.  It was not without contention, yet Jefferson involved many stakeholders and was able to get the group to reach a consensus. 

One of the best qualities I have observed is the humility with which Jefferson can reflect and consider alternative ways of doing things. He does listen and reflect but he is not afraid to act on his convictions, even if they are in conflict with other opinions. He has backbone but also is sensitive to group processes.

Jefferson enjoys an excellent rapport with students.  One of the positive things we did this past year with great success was assign Jefferson to one recess period where most of the students on his caseload (with behavior challenges that were addressed in their IEPs).  Jefferson engaged with the students playing organized games like football and soccer.  As a result, there were zero recess discipline referrals of these students this year where as previously; these same students were frequent fliers sometimes being suspended for infractions at recess.  I know from experience that value of an AP that engages with students, especially boys during the less structured times like lunch, recess and bus duty.

Jefferson’s experience and insights as a special education teacher will be an asset. He has had experiences as teacher in charge at Shaw where he had to deal with ED students, autistic children, deaf ed children and the many teachers and support staff required to serve these populations.

As I reflect on my own professional pathway when I was hired to be the AP at Colony Middle back in 1990, I think that in most ways, Jefferson is better prepared than I was for the role of AP.  I believe he will do well in the AP role and learn a great deal. He will respond well to continued mentoring and learn from each situation that is presented.  I recommend Jefferson Davis for an AP position in our District.  If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.


Karl Schleich, Principal
John D. Shaw Elementary School
Wasilla, Alaska