Standard 1: An education leader promotes the success of every student by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by all stakeholders.
Educational Leadership Mission and Vision Statements:
This artifact demonstrates my ability to lead a group in developing a mission and vision statement for their institution. The outcome of the exercise was a positive and meaningful set of statements about what the future holds and how to get there. I believe collaboration is a wonderful tool for creating ownership and buy-in from students and staff. This particular set of statements were built collaboratively by finding common ground within the group and creating a document that spoke to the experiences and values of our administrative cohort at UAS.
Educational Philosophy:
The creation of my educational philosophy has been a wonderful journey that I’m confident will only grow stronger and more informed as time goes on. My educational experiences as a teacher and an administrator have helped to shape this philosophy. This philosophy will help to inform my decisions as an educator by focusing my efforts to improve the community and students I serve. I believe by doing this exercise I have a clearer idea of how to build a school wide philosophy, and how to collectively achieve educational goals for the future.
Leadership Philosophy:
As a leader of a school, having a clear idea of what is important to me as a leader is critical because it directs the stewardship and implementation of a vision. Further, a philosophy of leadership allows transparency to occur, fostering community involvement and encouraging stakeholders to contribute. When parents and students know what your guiding principles of leadership are they are more apt to show support and the less likely it is that misunderstandings will occur.
School Improvement Plan:
This artifact is a demonstration of implementing and monitoring the progress of a plan put into place with the guidance of a vision for the future. As my site failed to meet AYP the SIP took on more meaning as I helped the administrator flesh out ideas for a plan of improvement. It was an amazing experience to monitor and watch the progress of students, as the plan became a part of the school. Getting to see students grow and succeed as a result of the interventions the SIP called for was a special event and solidified for me the impact an administrator can have on students when their vision and philosophy inform their decisions as an instructional leader.